Mother Miracle School
Educating Impoverished Children in India
“Every child has the right to an education. No child should go to sleep hungry.”
The power of philanthropy is one of the most important lessons I learned from my spiritual journey. Giving back - to others, to your community, to the world - empowers you to create the type of impactful change that transforms other people’s lives for the better.
Unexpectedly, giving back also aligns you more fully to the vibration of receiving. Thus, not only are you able to powerfully impact the lives of others, but giving back also allows you to powerfully impact your own life, as well. I invite you to try it and see for yourself how giving back attracts even more opportunities tor you to receive the unlimited abundance of the Universe.
Mother Miracle School’s devotion to educating impoverished children in India aligns perfectly with my own heart for children in need. Currently, I sponsor two girls focused on becoming tomorrow’s leaders. Not only does my sponsorship allow them to receive a computer and a free K-12 education in English, but they also benefit from access to healthcare, nutritious meals, educational materials, and extra-curricular activities including yoga, meditation, karate, art, music, and dance.
Mother Miracle School interrupts the cycle of poverty by empowering its students with the education, life, and social skills they need to succeed in an increasingly digitized world. With non-profit status both in the United States and India, the school guides children from the slums of India to unlock their unlimited potential to support themselves & their families, while emphasizing the importance of giving back - to the school, their community, and the world.
Together We Can Support More Children
Do you want to make a difference in the world? Are you passionate about helping improve the lives of children? YES and/or YES?
Consider sponsoring a Mother Miracle School student today.
It’s easy - I promise!
To learn more, please visit the Mother Miracle School website or email: info@mothermiracle.org.
You can also support the Mother Miracle School kids with your Amazon purchases via: smile.amazon.com.