Universe Oracle Card Message: For The Week of January 18th
A new week brings us a new message from the Universe! Please know that whenever this message comes to you is the exact moment it was meant to enter your life. Find peace in the fact that the Universe is already bringing you all you need with divine timing.Now is the time to take a moment to just be with yourself. Clear your mind and feel your spirit within your body. Close your eyes and breathe with me. Inhale while we hold, and exhale to release.As your body relaxes and your mind calms, go ahead and connect with your intuition. Ask the Universe for guidance if there is a question weighing on your heart. Allow your intuition to guide you to the card the Universe has chosen for you. Number 1, 2, or 3.Got it? Now let us see what the Universe wants you to know...Card #1 - Get clear on what you desire and share your intentions with the Universe. Let a new cycle of creation begin! Don't be afraid to share your deepest desires with the Universe. The Universe wants to bring you these soul-lead hopes and dreams! Share them openly and watch miracles appear in your life.Card #2 - Today, ask: how can I cherish myself more? The Universe reflects the
love and appreciation you give to yourself. Spend some extra time showing yourself love today. Treat yourself to your favorite dish or pamper your body with extra care. The more love you give, the more the Universe will give it right back.Card #3 - Get out of your head and back into your body. Spend time in nature, get
some exercise, and take grounded action instead of overthinking things. Don't allow this hectic world to clutter up your mind. Reconnecting with your body and nature will help ground you and allow the Universe to bring all you desire into your life.Remember, the Universe is already bringing you the most beautiful of gifts. Stay grateful in the present moment and watch the Universe transform your life.If you would like to connect with the Universe daily my Universe Oracle Card Deck is available to purchase. Each card in this deck is a gateway through which you can directly connect with different aspects of the Universe, such as the angels and archangels, ascended masters, spirit animals, crystals, planets, and more.I intend to remind you that you are never alone on your journey, that you are loved, guided, and supported, and that you are always connected to the infinite abundance this Universe has to offer.Use the Connecting with the Universe Oracle Cards for daily inspiration or whenever you have a specific question about your life's journey.Love and Light - Keysha